Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer Flings!

it's like a giant weiriod kinder surprise.
this beetle was shot in Victorian times by an insect hunter.
this was the first girl to ever use a camera.
none of these folks are going to be home in time for tea.
the yellow one is called Wizbit.
Einstein is the smaller of these two dudes. his bezzie is Playboy.

this explorer lived his entire life on the interior of our planet. in this snap he is wearing the suit his parents sent down to him at age 13.


  1. I'm so intrigued by this last photo! What is the name of the explorer? I'd love to wikipedia that!

  2. isn't it bonkers? his name is Harry Price, he was the most prominent psychic researcher in the U.K. in the 20's and 30's. the most famous research case he was involved with was the activity around Borley Rectory, which is worth wik-ing too! he was also the first chairman of the BFI. i have found little evidence to support the claim that he lived entirely on the inner planes of our planet, but it is an enigmatic tale.
